The evolution and impacts of community-based ecotourism in northern Tanzania

Issue paper
, 40 pages
PDF (347.49 KB)
English, Français
Published: October 2004
Series: Drylands Issue Paper
ISBN: 9781843695363
Product code:9507IIED

Can community based ecotourism in northern Tanzania contribute to both conservation and rural development? This paper explores themes relevant not only to development and conservation, but also to natural resource governance and rural livelihoods in East Africa. More and more rural communities in northern Tanzania are signing agreements with private companies to develop ecotourism businesses on their land. These agreements offer important new economic opportunities. But the ability of local people to benefit from them can be compromised. The struggles and conflicts that arise illustrate some of the fundamental governance challenges to community-based natural resource management and ecotourism in Tanzania.

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Nelson, F. (2004). The evolution and impacts of community-based ecotourism in northern Tanzania. .
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