Micro-policies on land tenure in three villages in Bam province, Burkina Faso. Local strategies for exchanging land
Issue paper
, 24 pages
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Published: January 2004
Drylands Issue Paper
ISBN: 9781843695028
Product code:9310IIED
This paper provides up-to-date information about the dynamics of land tenure in Bam province so as to inform the current debate on tenure policies in the Sahel. It analyses modes of access to land and agreements regulating the exchange of plots between families and between villages by looking at the opportunities for access to land through various types of transactions, the frequency, form and implications of these transactions and by evaluating the role of local codes in the context of these arrangements.
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Stamm, V., Sawadogo, J., Ouédraogo, S. and Ouédraogo, D.
Micro-policies on land tenure in three villages in Bam province, Burkina Faso. Local strategies for exchanging land.
Available at https://www.iied.org/9310iied
Available at https://www.iied.org/9310iied