PLA Notes 28: Methodological Complementarity

Journal (whole)
, 97 pages
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Published: February 1997
ISBN: 9781843692720
Product code:6115IIED

This edition includes general articles and a special theme section which explores options for combining different methodologies. The issue includes:

A paper on how Operation Hunger, a South African NGO, conducted a poverty assessment

A discussion of the benefits of self-evaluation and participatory evaluation.

A critical assessment of Process Documentation Research as applied to an Aga Khan Rural Support Programme project.

A critical assessment of the use of PRA techniques in agricultural extension.

A paper on using PRA to learn from village elders in Nigeria.

An article on pair-wise ranking using simple tools.

The special themes section opens with look at the methodological changes that can be observed in the evolution of PRA.

A paper on combining rapid appraisal with quantitative methods, based on an example from Mauritania.

A paper on PRA methods and conventional survey tools used by the Lumle Agricultural Research Centre in Nepal

A report on integrating PRA and sample surveys in Malawi 
~A report on how PRA techniques and surveys explored the problems related to a mangrove system in El Salvador.

A paper on fieldwork on poverty which combined ethnographic, Rapid Appraisal (RA) and other techniques.

A paper on a research project concerned with land use and soil conservation in Uganda.

A case study on local participation in Eastern Amazonia.~
~A methodological proposal for farmer-scientist land use planning.

A discussion on whether RRA may be more helpful than PRA.

A report research on local forestry and biodiversity conservation in Vanuatu.

A paper on mixing methodologies in Uganda. 
~An article on participatory analysis of pests in rice in Asia.

A discussion of some of problems with PRA methodologies.

Tips for Trainers includes an item on card sorting on the ground.

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PLA Notes 28: Methodological Complementarity (1997). PLA Notes 28: Methodological Complementarity. .
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