RRA Notes 21: Special Issue on Participatory Tools and Methods in Urban Areas
This special issue of RRA Notes focuses on the use of participatory methodologies for research and project implementation in cities and towns, from both urban and rural perspectives.
The issue includes:
An overview highlighting the key issues which the papers address.
A paper looking how RRA can be transferred to the urban context and used in training programmes for government officials.
A paper on rapid assessment procedures used in a project in Barrio San Jorge, Argentina
A report extract about a partnership between the 'People's Dialogue' network of informal settlements in South Africa and organisations in India.
An paper on participatory research into women's health in a squatter settlement in the Dominican Republic.
An paper on participatory needs assessment in the peri-urban areas of Lusaka, Zambia, run by the NGO CARE-Zambia.
An paper on using PALM to increase participation in slum improvement projects in India.
A paper on using 'Planning for Real' community-building tools in cities and urban fringe estates
An article about a RUA in Addis Ababa.
A note on PRA methods for poverty assessments in Ghana and Zambia.
A paper about PRA for an urban artisanal fisheries environment in Conakry, Guinea.
A paper on community involvement in tackling housing and environmental problems in Mexico City.
A summary of a new 'Guide to Effective Participation'.~A paper on 'Development Planning for Real'.~ ~A paper describing the community action planning approach of Sri Lanka's National Housing Development Authority.
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Available at https://www.iied.org/6090iied