RRA Notes 5: General issue
Journal (whole)
, 33 pages
PDF (304.49 KB)
Published: May 1989
ISBN: 9781843694205
Product code:6074IIED
This issue of RRA Notes opens with a letter written in response to an article in the 3rd edition.
The first article in this edition reports on how a primary school drama production was used in South West Nigeria to communicate about farming conditions.
The second article reports on the use of RRA in Nepal to work with people facing fuel wood shortages.
The next article reports on research in North Sudan using the Rapid Food Security Assessment procedure.
The final article looks at how RRA was used to develop closer links between researchers and farmers in Australia.
Cite this publication
Grandin, B., Cashman, K., Soussan, J., Ampt, P. and Ison, R.
RRA Notes 5: General issue.
Available at https://www.iied.org/6074iied
Available at https://www.iied.org/6074iied