Irish Aid Climate Change and Development Learning Platform Tigray case study final report

Reports/papers (non-specific)
, 71 pages
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Published: September 2015
Product code:22006G

The Ethiopia programme of Irish Aid has set about integrating climate change into development programming and this experience is a priority for Irish Aid and others to learn from. The Irish Aid support to the work of TARI in Tigray is an important first case of climate integration. Therefore a case study has been developed with colleagues in TARI, Irish Aid, Echnoserve and iied that focuses on key issues of how climate is integrated into agricultural research in support of climate adaptation by smallholder farmers. This case study looks at how effective this integration has been to draw lessons for further integration of climate into development programming.

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Irish Aid (2015). Irish Aid Climate Change and Development Learning Platform Tigray case study final report. IIED, London; Irish Aid, Dublin.
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