Improved cook stoves impact study - Eritrea

Reports/papers (non-specific)
, 28 pages
PDF (700.2 KB)
Published: July 2010
Product code:22001G

After 6 years of Vita (Irish NGO) operating in Eritrea an independent impact assessment was carried out. This extract on stoves details household and environmental impact. 

This report discusses the impact of Vita’s projects in Eritrea, This is discussed through an in depth impact assessment of three interventions- “the promotion of fuel efficient stoves for rural female headed households” which was mainly implemented in Anseba and Gash Barka regions; “development and capacity building of Fruits and Vegetables Producers association” which was implemented in the Debub and Anseba regions and “Women’s Enterprise Development and Nutrition” implemented in Gash Barka and Anseba regions”.

Cite this publication

Habtetsion, S. (2010). Improved cook stoves impact study - Eritrea. IIED, London; Irish Aid, Dublin.
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