IIED external review 2017-2020: addendum
External review
, 41 pages
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Every five years, IIED's main institutional funders commission an independent review of our work. This is a major undertaking, which requires work spread over more than a year and the engagement of a broad cross-section of IIED supporters, partners and users of our work.
This document responds to a set of questions in the IIED external review for the period 2017-22 regarding IIED’s positioning in the landscape of environment and development research-to-action. It provided background analysis supporting sections of the main review report on global shifts.
Cite this publication
Gallagher, L. and Ofir, Z.
IIED external review 2017-2020: addendum.
IIED, London.
Available at https://www.iied.org/21091g
Available at https://www.iied.org/21091g