Doing more with less: COVID-19 relief by community networks in Southeast Asia
Working paper
, pages
PDF (1.91 MB)
Published: May 2022
ISBN: 9781784319694
Product code:20956IIED
This paper describes an action-research study in which experienced community networks in four Southeast Asian countries collectively reflected on, compared and documented the innovative work they were doing on the ground during the COVID-19 crisis.
The study showed how these networks planned their COVID-19 interventions strategically and used the urgency of the crisis to strengthen and expand their people-driven support systems, tackle the structural causes of poverty and show elements of a more humane, equitable and environmentally sustainable city development model while addressing immediate COVID-19 needs in the communities.
Cite this publication
Kerr, T.
Doing more with less: COVID-19 relief by community networks in Southeast Asia.
IIED, London.
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