Education and learning for inclusive development

Briefings (non-specific)
, 6 pages
PDF (274.82 KB)
Published: June 2021
Product code:20261IIED

In urban areas, where both disparities and diversity can present particular challenges, education is a primary means for promoting inclusive development, and one of the more effective mechanisms by which social exclusion and growing gaps in equity can be addressed. Yet there has been a general failure to realise the promise of inclusive education for those in urban poverty.

This brief addresses a few of the many concerns raised by this very broad theme. With regard to the central issue of basic primary and secondary schooling, it touches chiefly on problems with access and inclusion, but points also to advances in the area of public–private cooperation.

The brief also touches on the state of early childhood provision in the context of urban poverty, and on some examples of professional training that hold promise in addressing the circumstances of urban poverty.

Cite this publication

Bartlett, S. (2021). Education and learning for inclusive development. IIED, London.
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