Developing Myanmar’s National Climate Change Policy

Reflect & Act
, 2 pages
PDF (160.47 KB)
Published: April 2018
Product code:17458IIED

This Reflect & Act looks back on IIED's role in developing Myanmar’s National Climate Change Policy and reflects on the lessons learnt. IIED was invited by the Myanmar government to provide technical support to develop the country’s national climate change policy. This followed previous work by IIED with the Myanmar government to develop a national climate change strategy and action plan. Building on that initial work, IIED conducted extensive consultations with government officials, civil society and development partners between December 2016 and May 2017. The final outcome — the Myanmar National Climate Change Policy — provides a long-term vision for equitable socioeconomic development and strategic direction for action on climate change, which acknowledges Myanmar’s commitment to ambitious action in implementing the Paris Agreement.

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Abeysinghe, A., Barakat, S. and Tenzing, J. (2018). Developing Myanmar’s National Climate Change Policy. .
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