Innovations for inclusivity in India’s informal e-waste markets
IIED Briefing
, 4 pages
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Published: December 2014
IIED Briefing Papers
Product code:17266IIED
The success of policies in driving the transition towards green economies often relies on their ability to include the informal sector. The vast majority of India’s huge waste collection and recycling markets are informal, and e-waste is no exception. Regulations that came into force in 2012 are pushing for much-needed greener and safer practices, but threaten the livelihoods and security of this large informal workforce. This briefing draws on experience in India and elsewhere to look at the current mismatch between regulation and reality, and to identify the types of mechanisms that could steer India’s e-waste market towards greener and fairer outcomes.
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Lines, K. and Garside, B.
Innovations for inclusivity in India’s informal e-waste markets.
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