Multi-stakeholder governance strengthens sustainable livelihoods in Bosawás, Nicaragua
Multi-ethnicity and complexity have long defined Nicaragua’s Caribbean coast. This complexity reaches an even greater level in the Bosawás Biosphere Reserve, where the Mayangna and Miskito people live side by side with mestizos (people of mixed race). Forest resources are under high pressure and land rights are often contested, while the sheer number of public institutions, political and community authorities, private companies and producer organisations (often poorly organised and with low capacity levels) ~makes natural resource management a challenge. To help address these issues, the Forest and Farm Facility aims to strengthen cross-sectoral coordination among stakeholders, promote the revitalisation of Mayangna culture, emphasise the role of women’s producer organisations and give them the support they need to ensure their small-scale production of forest-related products can contribute to their economic and social empowerment.
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