Pig Production, smallholders, and the transformation of value chains in China
Country report
, 20 pages
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The pig industry plays an important role in China’s growing economy. Over the past ten years, the Chinese government has made huge investments and carried out interventions to transform pig production from backyard smallholder farms to an integrated industrialised system. This is in response to a growing demand for pork products, due largely to rapid urbanisation. This study describes some of the dramatic and rapid changes that have taken place in pig production as large farms emerge and small farms decline. Through detailed survey and analysis, the authors explore the implications on value chains, markets and environmental and social sustainability.
Cite this publication
Jia, X., Huang, J., Wang, D., Liu, H. and Cheng, Y.
Pig Production, smallholders, and the transformation of value chains in China.
Available at https://www.iied.org/16569iied
Available at https://www.iied.org/16569iied