Voices and flavours from the Earth: visualising food sovereignty in the Andes
This virtual book explores the Andean initiative on Food Sovereignty (PASA) in the Southern Peruvian Altiplano. This peasant-centred endeavour revealed the seamless flow between food security and the knowledge of and right to produce and consume food. Under PASA, Wisdom Networks of men and women from several Andean communities in the high plains around Lake Titicaca were set up to reflect upon and visualize agricultural knowledge and ceremonial cycles.
This book contains a wealth of textual and video recordings of Andean ideas, experience and feelings about the inextricable links between biodiversity, food sovereignty and human wellbeing. The themes and topics covered in the embedded videos, largely shot by the Andean communities themselves, contrast with the conventional development discourse underlying the agroindustrial system.
The texts, photos and videos in this book vividly communicate how a body of Andean food knowledge was collectively generated through participatory action research over four years. It also documents the first rounds of a dialogue between peasants and scientists who have entered into a mutually respectful process to create a common research agenda. This dialogue between food knowledge systems has created hopes for more democratic scientific research into food as well as cognitive justice for peasant wisdom.
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