Haramata 54: Bulletin of the drylands

Journal (whole)
, 36 pages
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English, Français
Published: March 2009
Series: Haramata
Product code:12556IIED

In this issue - ~DEBATE: Fertilisers and the food crisis: debating soil fertility in Africa - Gender based violence among the Afar in Ethiopia. FOCUS ON..BIOFUELS: A polarised debate? - What do the experts say? - Bioenergy and pastoralism - Biofuels and land rights in Mozambique - A view from India. REPORTS: Dakar's building boom - WoDaaBe herders turn unpredictability into a key resource. INNOVATIONS: Using mobile phones in pastoral livestock marketing in Kenya. FEEDBACK: Offsetting the problem?. BOOKS AND RESOURCES.~Published twice a year. To subscribe email: [email protected]

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(2009). Haramata 54: Bulletin of the drylands. .
Available at https://www.iied.org/12556iied