Urban Response Analysis Framework

The Urban Response Analysis Framework (URAF) aims to support the identification of appropriate multi-sector responses for urban programmes. The URAF endorses, where appropriate, the use of multipurpose cash grants alongside complementary sector-specific responses, including advocacy and technical support. Therefore, the URAF recommends assistance that meets the basic needs of the displaced and host populations whilst addressing sector specific needs. By recommending a systems approach to understanding the urban context and the wider response analysis process, the URAF also aims to encourage the identification of resilience-building responses.
Following an introduction to response analysis and brief overview of cash programming in urban contexts, the URAF takes the user through a series of six steps; from the collection of multi-sector needs assessment data, to the identification of responses for potential target groups. The six steps include key questions, expected outputs, and guidance and support on topics that require consideration and inclusion in response analysis discussions. Links to existing guidance and toolkits are provided to further assist the user.
This document is part of a suite of complementary urban tools to enable appropriate urban responses for displaced and host populations. They include the urban multi sector assessment tool (UMVAT), this urban response analysis framework (URAF) and the targeting in urban displacement contexts guidance note. More information is available at www.iied.org/stronger-cities-initiative.
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