Urbanisation and Rural Development in Vietnam’s Mekong Delta: revisiting livelihood transformations in three fruit-growing settlements, 2006-2015

Working paper
, 60 pages
PDF (1.73 MB)
Published: November 2015
ISBN: 9781784312565
Product code:10751IIED

Rapid urbanisation and industrialisation have had multiple impacts on rural Vietnam since economic reform in the mid-1980s. In 2006, the authors conducted a study of the social and economic transformations in three rural settlements in the area often described as Vietnam’s rice bowl and where livelihoods and the nature of the local economic base, including farming, had changed radically. All could be described as success stories, especially when compared to other rural areas in the Mekong Delta region. Almost a decade later, this paper revisits the same settlements and describes their social and economic evolutions and the key factors that help decipher three distinct but similar trajectories.

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Thanh, H., Phuong, D., Hoa, D. and Lap, L. (2015). Urbanisation and Rural Development in Vietnam’s Mekong Delta: revisiting livelihood transformations in three fruit-growing settlements, 2006-2015. .
Available at https://www.iied.org/10751iied