Decentralising climate adaptation funds in Senegal
Decentralised climate funds lay the foundation for greater independence for local communities to prioritise investments that build resilience to climate change. Through the Decentralising Climate Funds (DCF) project, the four Départements of the Kaffrine region in Senegal – Koungheul, Kaffrine, Malem Hodar and Birkelane – are trialling a new approach enabling them (i) to access climate funds to finance local adaptation and (ii) to build climate resilience into their planning and budgeting. Decentralising Climate Funds (DFC) is a research-action and advocacy project supporting local people in Senegal and Mali to become more resilient to climate change through access to locally-controlled adaptation funds. The project is part of the BRACED programme funded by the UK government and carried out by ~the Near East Foundation (NEF) with Innovation, Environnement et Développement en Afrique (IED Afrique) and the International Institute for Environment and ~Development (IIED).