Why and how we use Twitter/X
Twitter/X is a great way to make connections with people online, share research and resources, and track areas of interest. We use Twitter in all of these ways, and to interact and engage with interested followers. Follow us @IIED.
What to expect
When you follow @IIED on Twitter – now known as X following Elon Musk's takeover – you can expect tweets covering some or all of the following:
- Alerts regarding new content and publications on our website
- Press releases concerning our work
- News about current job vacancies at IIED
- Event information and occasional live coverage of events
- The opportunity to engage personally with IIED researchers and other experts, and
- The sharing of content from our partners about their work.
Retweets (RTs)
The issuing of retweets from other users and organisations does not necessarily mean that IIED endorses those views. We also RT to offer alternative opinions, provide balance and acknowledge feedback we have received.
Who we follow
We follow users and organisations that share our mission and ambitions, including our many partners across the world. If you follow us, we will not automatically follow you back, but we use a wide range of methods to ensure that we monitor online conversations about the issues that relate to our work.
We are a keen user of Twitter lists to curate content through hashtags, search terms or Twitter users, such as a list of attendees at a high-profile event. All users are able to subscribe to these lists, whether they follow the IIED account or not – an overview of our Twitter lists is available here, while some examples of our lists are detailed below:
- IIED's experts who tweet, and
- IIED's communications staff
@Replies and Direct Messages (DMs)
We encourage feedback from our followers and are keen to join online conversations. We have activated the service that allows all followers to send us DMs, regardless of whether we follow them and, where possible and appropriate, we will reply or acknowledge all messages we receive via Twitter.
However, the best way to get an answer to a specific question is by using the contact form on our website.