Second Regional Workshop for the NBSAPs 2.0 Mainstreaming Biodiversity and Development Project


This workshop brought together representatives from seven African countries to review progress on revising their National Biodiversity Strategies and Actions Plans (NBSAPs).


The 'Mainstreaming biodiversity and development' project supported African countries to use their revised national biodiversity and strategy action plans (NBSAPs) as a vehicle for integrating biodiversity into development policy and planning. This event was the second project workshop, and took place in in Entebbe, Uganda, from 8-12 July 2013. 

More than 40 people from four project countries - Botswana, the Seychelles, Namibia and Uganda - attended.

Collectively the NBSAPS project countries are known as the African Leadership Group (ALG) on Biodiversity Mainstreaming. Workshop participants included ALG project leads, independent ALG members, International Advisory Group (IAG) members.

The workshop was run as a joint initiative with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Biodiversity Finance (BioFin) project, and participants included representatives from other BioFinance Project countries – South Africa and Zimbabwe.

The workshop focused on peer reviewing participant countries' progress in mainstreaming biodiversity and development, as evidenced by the revised NBSAPs and by attention to biodiversity within national development plans. It also looked at developing business cases for biodiversity and pilot testing a financial resource mobilisation methodology to implement NBSAPs, developed under the BioFin project.

We published a full workshop report. You can also read a full history of events and updates related to this project. 

The Entebbe Statement summarises the key conclusions of the ALG. It says that biodiversity mainstreaming should be informed as much by development needs, potentials and conditions as by those of biodiversity conservation. It lists key benefits of biodiversity to socio-economic development, and identifies key principles for mainstreaming biodiversity into national development processes and plans.

The agenda (PDF) and all the presentations from the workshop are available to download as follows:

Day one

Session one: Introductions and catch-up
Opening remarks (PDF) by the Executive Director of the Uganda National Environment Management Authority (NEMA): Dr. Tom O Okurut, NEMA.

Short country updates on the NBSAP revision process to date
Botswana (PDF) | Namibia (PDF) | Uganda (PDF) | Seychelles (PDF) | Zimbabwe (PDF)

Session two: Peer review of Namibia's completed NBSAP
Introduction to peer review what is it and why do we need it? (PDF) Barry Dalal-Clayton, IIED.
Draft framework for peer review of policies, strategies and plans (PDF) Barry Dalal-Clayton and Dilys Roe, IIED
Presentation on Namibia's Namibia NBSAP (PDF)

Session three:  Mainstreaming into national development plans
Mainstreaming biodiversity in national development plans: the case of Namibia (PDF)

Day two

Session four: Integrating national development planning and national biodiversity planning in Uganda
Making the case for biodiversity to development in Uganda: Ronald Kaggwa, NEMA. Uganda.
Biodiversity integration in national development planning in Uganda (PDF) Catherine Nassaka, National Planning Authority, Uganda.
A tool for mainstreaming: overview of the PES Project in Uganda (PDF) Paul Hatanga, Chimpanzee Sanctuary and Wildlife Conservation Trust
Improving mainstreaming – tips, tools and tactics (PDF): Ruud Janssen, UNEP UNDP PEI.
Green economy how has the idea evolved and what are the lessons to date (PDF) Steve Bass, IIED.

Day three

Session five: Making a business case for biodiversity
Introduction to the business case tool (PDF): Abisha Mapendembe, UNEP - WCMC.

Days four and five

Introduction to the UNDP Biodiversity Finance (BioFin) approach
Transforming biodiversity finance to achieve the Aichi Targets and implement NBSAPs (PDF): Jamison Ervin, UNDP
BIOFIN process and support (PDF): UNDP
Resource mobilisation quick guide (PDF): UNDP
The Biodiversity Finance (BIOFIN) Workbook for assessing and mobilising financial resources (PDF): UNDP