RRA Notes 2: General Issue

This second issue of RRA Notes includes three short items, all concerned with research methodology in Africa: from Kenya, Zimbabwe and Tanzania.

Article, 30 September 1998
Participatory Learning and Action
A journal for newcomers and experienced practitioners alike.

October 1988

The first article in this issue focuses on how RRA can contribute to improved village resources management.

The next report is from Zimbabwe and discusses the experience of using wealth ranking in the context of a study of household economics and livestock production.

The third contribution looks at how a 'possessions score' technique was used instead of income as an indicator of socio-economic status in Tanzania.

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Follow the links below to download the whole issue or individual articles in pdf format.

Download the complete issue.



Using Rapid Rural Appraisal to formulate a village resources management plan, Mbusanyi, Kenya
Charity Kabutha and Richard Ford

Learning about wealth: an example from Zimbabwe
Ian Scoones

Investigating poverty: an example from Tanzania
Sheila Smith and John Sender