PLA 51: Civil society and poverty reduction
This special issue of Participatory Learning and Action captures the experiences of Southern civil society organisations (CSOs) that are engaging in the monitoring, evaluation, and implementation of poverty reduction strategy (PRS) processes.
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April 2005
Guest editors: Alexandra Hughes and Nicholas Atampugre
In many countries, CSO engagement in this particular stage of these strategies is just beginning. There has been much reflection on engagement by CSOs in the formulation of PRSs, but much less written about how they are being monitored and implemented. With respect to monitoring and evaluation, this issue explores how CSOs are working towards the articulation and realisation of poor people's rights and the accountability of governments and other powerful actors towards them.
Authors for this issue came together at a workshop in July 2004 in Nairobi, Kenya to discuss the contributions and to share their experiences in PRS processes.
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Follow the links below to download the whole issue or individual articles in pdf format.
Civil society and poverty reduction
Overview: a critical look at civil societies' poverty reduction monitoring and evaluation experiences
Alexandra Hughes and Nicholas Atampugre
PRSP rhetoric: sugar-coated structural adjustment reality?
Atieno Ndomo
What happened to the PRSP in Kenya - the role of politics
Hudson Shiverenje
Bringing the poor into advocacy: a look at Ghana HIPC Watch
Siapha Kamara with Harriet Yeboah
Setting the scene: a introduction to the Ugandan Poverty Eradication Plan
Moses Isooba and Richard Ssewakiryanga
Civil society participation in Uganda's PRS process: opportunities and dilemmas
Moses Isooba
Experiences of Uganda's PPA in implementing and monitoring poverty reduction
Richard Ssewakiryanga
Bottom-up planning? Participatory implementation, monitoring and evaluation of PRS processes in Bolivia
Jordi Beneria Surkin
Zambia's PRSP process: from exclusion to inclusion, confrontation to cooperation?
Besinati P Mpepo and Venkatesh Seshamani
Fighting poverty demands strategic thinking and planning: the Bulgarian experience
Anna Athanassova
PRS processes, participation and statelessness: exploring some dilemmas in Somalia
MS Mohamud Faroole
Participatory poverty research and policy influencing in PRSP processes: the Vietnam case
Hoang Xuan Than
General section
Participatory landscape analysis for community-based livestock management in Vietnam
Jean-Christophe Castella, Tran Trong Hieu and Yann K Eguienta
Working with municipalities to develop urban health systems in Bangladesh
Dipankar Datta, Michelle Kouletio and Taifur Rahman
Using actor-oriented tools to analyse innovation systems in Bangladesh
Harriet Matsaert, Zahir Ahmed, Noushin Islam and Faruqe Hussain
Scaling up the use of PLA in a pilot health and nutrition programme, India
Amita Jain, Rajiv S. Saxena and Subir K. Pradhan
River management in Bangladesh: a people's initiative to solve water-logging
Ashraf-Ul-Alam Tutu
Tips for trainers - Developing indicators for monitoring poverty reduction strategies
Ghana HIPC Watch, SEND Foundation of West Africa
RCPLA Network