PLA 31: Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation

Most of the articles in this issue of PLA Notes draw on a workshop on Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation which was held in the Philippines in November 1997.

Article, 01 February 1998
Participatory Learning and Action
A journal for newcomers and experienced practitioners alike.

February 1998

Guest Editors: Mae Arevallo, Irene Guijt and Kiko Saladores

This issue explores some of the opportunities for moving towards a monitoring and evaluation process that has greater local value.

It also takes the following challenges into account:

  • How do we make monitoring and evaluation more participatory – and maintain high levels of involvement?
  • How does participation of diverse groups influence the selection of what we monitor or evaluate?
  • What methods are feasible in which contexts?
  • How do we use PM&E in hierarchical organisations and in conflict situations?

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Follow the links below to download the whole issue or individual articles in pdf format.

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Comparing transect walks with experts and local people
Ishmail Mahiri

Musings on the use of chapati diagrams
Cathy Rozel Farnworth

Participatory community planning: some unresolved challenges from the Gambia
Sharon Truelove

Beauty is in the process and not in the name: an alternative approach for participatory planning
Kamal Bhattacharyya and Ajay Kumar

Reflections on institutionalising participatory approaches in local NGOs in Eastern Nepal
Marion Gibbon and Gopal Shrestha

Participatory monitoring and evaluation

Tracking change together
Irene Guijt,, Mae Arevalo and Kiko Saladores

Monitoring and evaluating in the Nepal-UK community forestry project
Raj Kumar Rai

Participatory self-evaluation of world neighbors, Burkina Faso
Paul Bandre

Institutional issues for monitoring local development in Ecuador
Victor Hugo Torres

Growing from the grassroots: building participatory planning, monitoring and evaluation methods in PARC
Janet Symes and Sa’ed Jasser

ELF three-year impact evaluation: experiences and insights
Roy Abes

Participatory monitoring and evaluation in flood proofing pilot project, CARE-Bangladesh
Shawkat Ara

Feedback: Can stratified PRA platforms improve dialogue and build consensus?
C.U.Okuye with a response from Somesh Kumar

Extracts: 3D Venn diagram in PRA - a methodological innovation
Somesh Kumar

A brief guide to the principles of PLA (I)

Tips for Trainers: Participation 'poker'
Irene Guijt