PLA 26: General Issue

This general issue of PLA Notes covers a range of topics, including economics, agriculture, health and methodological innovation, using case studies from 11 different countries.

Article, 31 May 1996
Participatory Learning and Action
A journal for newcomers and experienced practitioners alike.

June 1996

This edition begins with two papers with an economic theme from Kenya. Emerton and Mogaka describe a method of valuing domestic resources using locally meaningful economic indicators. Simanowitz describes how PRA can be used to enable communities to explore the effects of macro-economic policies on livelihood strategies. 

Continuing the policy theme, two papers describe the use of PRA in urban and rural communities in Switzerland, a country under-going massive changes in agricultural policy. Several further papers develop or adapt PRA methodologies. 

The Extracts section includes a contribution by Baum which describes how coloured papers can be used to help find a common understanding for complex themes in natural resource management. 

In the new Feedback section, Million Gebreyes, from Ethiopia, considers the timing of consultation with local communities, particularly in large scale development projects. 

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. Content can be freely reproduced for non-commercial purposes, provided the source is fully acknowledged. 

Follow the links below to download the whole issue or individual articles in pdf format.

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Participatory environmental valuation of forest resources in the Aberdares, Kenya
Lucy Emerton and Hezron Mogaka

Analysing the impact of macro-economic policies using PRA in Mwingi District, Kenya
Anton Simanowitz

'Getting to grips with the future together': PRA projects in the Alpine regions of Switzerland
Maja Hürlimann and Heinz Jufer

How to deal with 1012 Ideas: PRA in an urban community in Switzerland
Peter Schmidt

Matrix ranking: a means to discussion
Stephany Kersten

Looking to the future: map drawing in Madah, Central Tanzania
Wilhelm Östberg

A village picture book
Valentina Mazzucato and David Niemeijer

Living with STDs and AIDS: The Mother Saradadevi Social Service Society, India
Jaya Shreedhar

Participatory livelihood monitoring in Southern Sudan
Aidan Timlin

PRA in international agricultural research: first experiences in IIMI-Pakistan
Paul Gosselink and Anouk Hoebericht

Involving farmers in the research planning process: smallholder attitudes to herbicide use
Daniel Alembi, Stella Nabwile and David Mburu

Quality circles and institutional culture: a proposal
Anand Kumar

Process observation in PRA: guidelines and reflections
N. Narayanasamy and R Ramesh

Feedback: The timing dilemma
Million Gebreyes, with a response by Parmesh Shah


  • Coloured papers
    Gerhard Baum
  • Learning in the field
    Agnes Mullaa

Tips for Trainers: Dominance and submission
Robert Chambers

A brief guide to adult learning