Sam Greene

Sam Greene was a senior researcher in IIED's Climate Change research group until September 2023

Sam works on co-developing participatory, gender transformative tools that inform climate-resilient development planning at the local level, particularly for local government authorities and community-based organisations.

Much of Sam’s research has focused on the development of mechanisms for the delivery of climate finance to the local level at scale in East Africa, particularly through devolved climate financing systems. This includes understanding and supporting the development of community led- planning institutions, tools that articulate local priorities, and local government planning and budgeting processes. 

Since much of this work has been focused in dryland ecosystems, he is also interested in the enabling conditions for effective adaptation in economies dominated by pastoralism where there is much to learn from strong, adaptive, customary natural resource management approaches. 

Sam has experience working across East Africa, including Tanzania, Kenya, Malawi and Ethiopia.


Pastoralist livelihoods; participatory planning and budgeting; gender transformative adaptation; climate-resilient development planning; local governments and institutions; climate finance.

Before IIED

Worked mainly for grassroots, community-based education institutions in Ghana and Malawi, supporting institutional development and strategic planning.


  • MSc development studies, School of Oriental and African Studies
  • BA (hons) philosophy, University of Nottingham
