Rodney Lunduka

Researcher - Climate Change Economist, Sustainable Markets and Climate Change Groups

Rodney Lunduka's picture
Languages: English, English, French (basic), Norwegian (basic), Chichewa (Malawi)


Development and natural Resource Economics, Environmental economics, climate change and climate change adaptation, land tenure and agricultural land management in sub Saharan Africa, Econometric modelling (using Stata)

Before IIED

Post Doc Fellow - CABI - Nairobi

Lecturer - University of Malawi, Bunda College


PhD, Development and Resource Economics - University of Life Sciences Ǻs, Norway

MSc, Applied Environmental Sciences - University of London -Wye College

BSc, Agriculture University of Malawi - Bunda College

Current work

Stakeholder-focused cost-benefit analysis in water adaptation.

Economics focus of impact of climate change in Kenya.

Building the capacity of local governments in dry-land areas to design business cases for mainstreaming climate change at district level, and scaling up.

Action Research for Community Based Adaptation in Bangladesh (ARCAB).