Aggregating off-grid energy solutions to deliver SDG7 energy access
Archived Project
Access to energy and renewable energy; climate change policy; climate resilience; gender and social inclusion; financing decentralised energy, governance and institutional needs in developing countries.
Skills: Research, policy, project design, impact monitoring, project co-ordination and management, multi-stakeholder approaches.
Prior to joining IIED, Nipunika was a senior consultant in Ricardo Energy and Environment for five years where she managed and delivered international projects working in partnership with civil society organisations, local and national governments, academic institutions and international organisations.
She also worked with Practical Action Consulting, UK carrying out research on energy access interventions, sustainable development and energy policy, and with Centre for Poverty Analysis (CEPA) in Sri Lanka monitoring impacts of development interventions.
Nipunika holds a MSc in Sustainable Energy Engineering and has carried out professional training and learning activities on leadership, project management, proposal development, social inclusion, urban responses and green growth.
Financing energy access; gender and social inclusion; market-based approaches to off-grid energy; linking energy access with climate resilience, adaptation and mitigation; solutions for better quality and more reliable electricity.