Bara Gueye
Board of trustees

Bara Gueye is rural economist, with more than 35 years of experience of development practice in Francophone Africa.
Mainly operating from Senegal, his work has focused on participatory action research and policy engagement in the areas of political and natural resource governance, sustainable family farming, decentralised climate finance and community-based climate-resilience building.
He started his professional carrier as a teacher and researcher at the National School of Applied Economics in Senegal. He then worked for IIED for more than 10 years (1994-2005) as coordinator of the drylands Sahel MARP programme before becoming the director of the Innovation, Environnement et Développement en Afrique (IED Afrique), a well-networked registered NGO working in francophone Africa on participatory governance, climate change, sustainable farming and green economy.
He stepped down as IED Afrique director in February 2019 and currently works as a fellow and consultant; actively participating and contributing in national and regional debates in his areas of expertise.