Nature emergency a critical issue for new UK government

Keir Starmer’s new Labour government must take urgent action on the global nature emergency, argues a group of UK-based environment and development organisations.

News, 08 July 2024
Climate protestor holding sign that reads "Act now or swim later"

Act now or swim later (Photo: Mika Baumeister, via Unsplash)

Keir Starmer’s new Labour government must take decisive action on the international nature emergency, argues IIED in a statement released on 5 July with other UK-based partners.

The world is facing a climate and nature emergency that is fast becoming an emergency for people too. This is the greatest challenge of our time and the next five years will be critical to making progress.

The UK’s leadership role has slipped considerably in recent years and more ambitious steps towards change are desperately needed.

In the statement (PDF), IIED together with CAFOD, Conservation International – UK, Fauna & Flora, Forest Peoples Programme, RSPB, WWF-UK and ZSL, outline urgent actions for the new government to take to advance global action on halting and reversing the destruction of nature.

The statement highlights that business as usual is not an option and calls on Starmer’s Labour government to set an ambitious agenda on nature and climate – for the wellbeing of all people, here in the UK and around the world. 

For more information, read the full statement (PDF).


For more information, please contact Dilys Roe ([email protected])