LDC chair calls on G20 to further pre-COP ministerial discussions

Following the recent 'pre-COP' (Conference of the Parties) ministerial meeting, the chair of the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) Group is calling on the G20 to further the discussions and push for greater ambition ahead of the COP21 climate change negotiations.
Press release, 14 November 2015

Areas of agreement and shared concerns were discussed at the ministerial meeting, but chair of the LDCs Group, Mr Giza Gaspar-Martins of Angola, states that the political will to agree on an ambitious outcome is still far outpaced by what the science demands from the global community.

"Political leaders must be ready and willing to adopt a durable, ambitious and legally binding agreement designed to limiting warming to below 1.5⁰C to reduce vulnerability and enhance resilience to the impacts of climate change" he said. "It is still unclear whether leaders are ready to deliver on these broad objectives."

The G20 leaders' summit takes place on 15-16 November, and the outside world is viewing this meeting as climate critical. Every member state is also one of the world's biggest CO2 emitters, while the LDCs represent many of the nations most vulnerable to climate change impacts. 

Giza continued: "We need all political leaders to set out the direction of travel consistent with the long-term temperature goal of the 1.5 degree target and short-term commitments to not only to communicate national climate action plans but also to implement and fulfil them. The G20 can ensure momentum on this ahead of Paris next month."

The Turkish G20 Presidency has committed to making climate change finance a priority (PDF) in 2015.

Giza added: "It is clear that many developing countries will not be able to fully achieve their intended plans without increased support from the international community. Climate finance was a key discussion point at the pre-COP ministerial but we are not clear is whether the financial support will be matched with assistance in building an infrastructure that allows countries to deliver their national climate action plans."


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Notes to editors

About the LDCs: The Least Developed Countries are 48 nations that are especially vulnerable to climate change but have done the least to cause the problem. They work together at the intergovernmental negotiations under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) to demand that wealthier nations act in accordance with their responsibility for creating the problem and their capability for addressing it. Read more on the Least Developed Countries Group.


For more information or to request an interview, contact Simon Cullen: 
+44 7503 643332 or [email protected]