How to shape governance of tenure for responsible forestry: a practical guide
IIED worked with the Forest Governance Learning Group to develop a practical guide for stakeholders who aim to improve the way governance affects tenure so that forestry is more sustainable and contributes more to livelihoods.

A group of charcoal producers cut and clear trees and prepare to make charcoal. Mecati Forest, near Nampula, Mozambique (Photo: copyright Mike Goldwater)
This practical guide was one of several guides prepared to assist with the implementation of the ‘Voluntary Guidelines on the responsible governance of tenure of land, fisheries and forests’, which FAO developed with a wide range of governments.
The practical guide was likely to have broader use too, and was intended to serve as a source of inspiration for anyone striving to improve the governance of tenure in forestry.
Project objectives
Drawing on principles and processes in governance, tenure and forests that have been the focus of major recent initiatives and consensus, the guide focused on four main action areas: understanding, organising, engaging and ensuring.
It highlights key opportunities and roles of different stakeholders, and directs readers to further information appropriate for their needs.
A substantial toolkit - of tools, tactical processes and approaches - for use by different stakeholders working at various scales, is an integral part of the guide. The toolkit provides sufficient information on each tool for users to choose which to use, to find out more and to adapt it for their own purposes.