First NBSAPs 2.0 Project Workshop
The first workshop for the Mainstreaming Biodiversity and Development project was held in Maun, Botswana, from 14-16 November 2012.
The 'Mainstreaming biodiversity and development' project supported African countries to use their revised national biodiversity and strategy action plans (NBSAPs) as a vehicle for integrating biodiversity into development policy and planning.
The first project workshop was attended by more than 35 participants from the four project countries – Botswana, Namibia, the Seychelles and Uganda – and by independent members from Namibia, Liberia, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
The participants worked on developing business cases for biodiversity, power mapping, monitoring and communications.
The workshop established the African Leadership Group (ALG) on Biodiversity and Development Mainstreaming to bring together the NBSAPS project countries and their national focal points in an open voluntary body. Participants also drafted the Maun Statement on Biodiversity and Development Mainstreaming (available in French, Spanish and Arabic), which outlines the ALG's commitment to providing leadership on advancing biodiversity and development mainstreaming, and identifies ten key steps to integrating biodiversity concerns into defined sectors and development goals.
The workshop report provides full coverage of the event, and the agenda (PDF) and all the presentations are available to download via the links below.
Day one
Session one: The tasks ahead and the role of the ALG
Introduction to the workshop and the NBSAPs 2.0 project
Statement from the Council Secretary for Ngamiland District Council (PDF): Mr. Kwele Puso, Government of Botswana
Opening Statement by the Executive Secretary of the CBD (PDF): Braulio Ferreira de Souza Dias, CBD
NBSAPs 2.0 – Project Overview (PDF): Jessica Smith, UNEP-WCMC
Session two: How far have we got? Status of biodiversity/development mainstreaming and existing NBSAP SWOT analysis
Botswana (PDF) | Namibia (PDF) | The Seychelles (PDF) | Uganda (PDF)
Update on NBSAP Revision Process
NBSAP Revision Process (PDF): Jamison Ervin, UNDP
NBSAP Process Outline handout (PDF): Jamison Ervin, UNDP
Stories of change
State of Knowledge Review (SoK) (PDF): Dilys Roe, IIED
Poverty-Environment Mainstreaming Experiences (PDF): Alex Forbes, PEI
Community based tourism in Zambia (PDF): Ignatius Makumba, Ministry of Tourism, Environment and Natural Resources
Community Based Natural Resources Management (CBNRM) in Namibia (PDF): Brian Jones, Independent Consultant
Day two:
Session three: Where do we want to go? Visions of a biodiversity-mainstreamed future. What do we want to achieve, and what are the alternatives? How does NBSAP revision fit in?
Biodiversity mainstreaming outcomes (PDF): Jamison Ervin, UNDP
Biodiversity mainstreaming outcomes handout (PDF): Jamison Ervin, UNDP
Protected Area costs in context (PDF): Jamison Ervin, UNDP
Botswana (PDF) | Namibia (PDF) | Uganda (PDF)
Mapping institutional change and influence
Stakeholder mapping matrix (PDF): Steve Bass, IIED
Day three
Session five: Influencing decision-makers. Communications strategies and approaches case
Pathway to change in behaviour (PDF): Juliane Zeidler and Frits Hesselink, IUCN CEC
NBSAP Forum and its communications (PDF): Jamison Ervin (UNDP)
Project level communications (PDF): Rosalind Goodrich, Project Communications Consultant
How do we know we're being successful in mainstreaming?
How do we know if we're being successful in mainstreaming (PDF): Jamison Ervin (UNDP), Jessica Smith UNEP-WCMC and Brian Jones (ALG member)
Monitoring and evaluation of poverty reduction in NBSAPs (PDF): Brian Jones, Independent Consultant
Mainstreaming indicators: Botswana (PDF) | Uganda (PDF)