Getting to know you: stronger relationships contribute to better biodiversity mainstreaming
21 March 2016
A collection of pages showing how five African countries are finding new ways to mainstream biodiversity into policy and planning for development
Getting biodiversity concerns into the policies and plans of government ministries and private sector companies can take many years to achieve. It takes energy and determination to bring the right people together.
IIED and the UNEP-World Conservation Monitoring Centre worked with African countries as they revised their National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plans (NBSAPs). As part of this process country representatives came together to exchange their experiences of mainstreaming biodiversity across government and society.
Their stories of progress – 'stories of change' – are described on these pages. Their reports aren't revolutionary but they describe small, everyday changes with the potential to turn into something big. They are intended to inspire and encourage others to look for their own stories of change that can make a difference to how biodiversity is valued, used and protected.
The stories can also be downloaded as a toolkit.