Annual reports 2001-2006
Our annual reports provide a comprehensive review of work and achievements over previous years.
Annual Report 2005/06: Natural resources
Natural resources make up a wide range of goods and services that are essential for human wellbeing and vital for development. The 2005/06 Annual Report focuses on IIED's work in this area, demonstrating plainly that investing in land and natural resources together with good management is the key to growing incomes and livelihoods.
IIED Annual Report 2004/05: Climate change
The 2004/05 Annual Report focuses on the global challenge of climate change. IIED works to help poor people adapt to climate change, and get a fairer deal. This special annual report describes what we do and how we can work together to make progress.
IIED Annual Report 2003/04: Urban matters
The 2003/04 Annual Report celebrates IIED's work in urban areas over the past 30 years through its Human Settlements programme. While this report may be unique in the emphasis given to one programme, the key attributes of Human Settlements – partnership, working with local institutions, strengthening voices from the South – are characteristic of work throughout the institute.
IIED Annual Report 2003: Bridging environment and development
IIED’s Annual Report for 2003 provides a comprehensive review of IIED’s work and achievements from our programmes over the past year and insight on new areas into which we are delving, including the Millennium Development Goals, global governance, and tourism for sustainable development.
IIED Annual Report 2002/03
2002 was a remarkable year for IIED, culminating in the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) in Johannesburg. WSSD provided a crucial focus for everyone concerned with environment and development during the past year. Now, following its completion, many players will be directing their work towards implementing the positive outcomes of the summit and making good its deficiencies.
IIED Annual Report 2001/02: 30 years of making sustainable development work
In this report, IIED celebrates its 30 years’ history while also reporting on its recent work. During 2000/01 IIED undertook significant work in two new fields – a major study on sustainable development in the mining and minerals industry and an extensive programme of work to support the preparations for the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) in Johannesburg in 2002.