Natural Resilience: Healthy ecosystems as climate shock insurance

IIED Briefing
, 4 pages
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Published: December 2009
IIED Briefing Papers
Product code:17078IIED

Resilience to climate change has many roots. A healthy, biodiverse environment is increasingly recognised as key to resilience, particularly in poor communities directly dependent on natural resources. Knowledge about ways of coping with climate variability is also essential – and for many of the poor who live in climate-vulnerable regions, already an area of expertise. A look at the National Adaptation Programmes of Action of the Least Developed Countries shows that many of these nations recognise and prioritise the role that biodiversity, ecosystems and natural habitats play in adaptation. It is now up to policymakers to follow suit.

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Reid, H., Phillips, J., Natural Resilience: Healthy ecosystems as climate shock insurance and Heath, M. (2009). Natural Resilience: Healthy ecosystems as climate shock insurance . .
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