Mythes et réalités de la gouvernance locale : l’expérience de la commune rurale de Sanankoroba, Mali

Issue paper
, 40 pages
PDF (254.7 KB)
English, Français
Published: January 2004
Drylands Issue Paper
ISBN: 9781843695318
Product code:9506IIED

How does decentralisation affect people’s lives? What has it accomplished or failed to deliver? Who plays what role in the process? These are some of the questions this paper aims to answer by looking at what has happened in the rural municipality of Sanankoroba in Mali as events here, broadly reflect some of the major concerns about decentralisation.

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Djiré, M. (2004). Mythes et réalités de la gouvernance locale : l’expérience de la commune rurale de Sanankoroba, Mali. .
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