Genita Motichande

People advisor, People

Genita Motichande's picture
Telephone: +44 (0)20 3463 7399
Languages: English, Gujarati, Hindi (intermediate)

A CIPD-qualified human resources (HR) professional with experience across the employee lifecycle from providing high-quality HR service and support to leading on people projects and initiatives such as recruitment, employee engagement, and diversity and inclusion.

Genita is a passionate HR/people generalist, who believes in enhancing employee and working experiences.


Recruitment and selection; employee engagement; diversity and inclusion; performance and talent management.

Before IIED

  • Recruitment improvement manager, NHS England and NHS Improvement
  • Project manager (employee staff records), NHS England and NHS Improvement
  • People and resource officer, NHS England and NHS Improvement

She also held a few HR roles at other NHS organisations including a summer internship with FirstGroup.