RRA Notes 11: Proceedings of a Local Level Adaptive Planning Workshop, London

Journal (whole)
, 86 pages
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Published: May 1991
ISBN: 9781843694267
Product code:6080IIED

This issue is devoted to local-level adaptive planning. It reports on a workshop held in December 1990 in London, organised by IIED and the University of Birmingham. The aim of the workshop was to take stock of current experience in local-level participatory planning approaches.

The first section reports on the discussions and findings of the workshop. The second section features abstracts of the original papers, including:

A paper on the need for local-level planning.

An article calling for a new approach for land-use planning, particularly for rural communities.

A description of the 'planning for real' approach adopted by the Neighbourhood Initiative Foundation in the U.K.

An article looking at local-level information gathering for food security planning.

A paper on the work of the NGO ACORD in relation to local planning in Mali and Burkina Faso.

A report from Sierra Leone on the DELTA approach. ~A paper asking whether adaptive local planning techniques are sufficient to break through the logjam of local institutional interests.

A discussion of institution-strengthening as a role for international and developed country organisations.

A report on the lack of progress with participatory planning in Kenya's arid and semi-arid lands.

An article on local-level adaptive planning in the Machakos District of Kenya.

A report from "Centre d'Alevinage Lagdo" project in North Cameroon which aims to mitigate the effects of the Lagdo Dam.

A review of of training for local government officers in northern Nigeria.

An article on successful translation of local farmers' needs into practical R&E programmes.

An article about rural development in local organisations in the Andes.

A discussion of the management requirements of NGOs working for socioeconomic development in the South.

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Pretty, J., RRA Notes 11: Proceedings of a Local Level Adaptive Planning Workshop, London, Scoones, I. and RRA Notes 11: Proceedings of a Local Level Adaptive Planning Workshop, London (1991). RRA Notes 11: Proceedings of a Local Level Adaptive Planning Workshop, London. .
Available at https://www.iied.org/6080iied