RRA Notes 21: Participatory Tools and Methods in Urban Areas

This special issue of RRA Notes focuses on the use of participatory methodologies for research and project implementation in cities and towns, from both urban and rural perspectives. 

Article, 01 November 1994
Participatory Learning and Action
A journal for newcomers and experienced practitioners alike.

November 1994

Editors: Diana Mitlin and John Thompson

The first section of the issue discusses the ‘problem’ of applying participatory approaches in urban communities. The second section describes the complex characteristics of urban settings and how they differ from the type of rural contexts in which PRA is commonly used. It also compares and contrasts participatory approaches in urban and rural areas. The third section introduces the papers included here and considers their range and scope. The final section draws together the lessons emerging from the contributions of both PRA practitioners and urban development agents.

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Follow the links below to download the whole issue or individual articles in pdf format.

Download the complete issue.


Editorial: Addressing the gaps or dispelling the myths? participatory approaches in low-income urban communities
Diana Mitlin and John Thompson

Urban management training, action learning and rapid Analysis methods
Philip Amis

Rapid assessment procedures in urban communities: the experience of the health and habitat project in Barrio San Jorge, Argentina
Silvina Arrossi

Regaining knowledge: an appeal to abandon illusions
Joel Bolnick and Sheela Patel

The death of the clinic? participatory urban appraisal (PUA) in a Dominican Barrio
Hilary Cottam

Participatory needs assessment in the peri-urban areas of Lusaka, Zambia
Michael Drinkwater

PALM in slum improvement projects: a training experience from India
Sheelu Francis

Showing what you mean (not just talking about It)
Tony Gibson

Targeting aid to the poorest in urban Ethiopia - is it possible? rapid urban appraisal
Martin Leach

Observations on urban applications of PRA methods from Ghana and Zambia: participatory poverty assessments
Andrew Norton

Linking government agents and local users: PUA for artisanal fishing port development
René Reusen and Jan Johnson

Community participation in the sustainable development of human settlements in Mexico City
Gustavo Romero, Patricia Nava and Lilia Palacios

Community participation and empowerment: putting theory into practice
David Wilcox

Bottom-up planning for urban development: the 'development planning for real' pilot project
Ellen Wratten

The million houses programme in Sri Lanka
