PLA 55: Practical tools for community conservation in southern Africa

This special issue of Participatory Learning and Action features a collection of lessons and innovative tools which have been developed by the facilitators of community-based natural resource management programmes in southern Africa.

Article, 01 December 2006
Participatory Learning and Action
A journal for newcomers and experienced practitioners alike.

December 2006

Guest editors: Brian Child and Brian Jones

The tools described in this issue can be broadly divided into two categories: facilitator's tools and management tools. Facilitator's tools range from Theatre for Africa's role in policy development, to the CAMPFIRE game for improving training in financial management. The management tools have been developed to allow communities to manage wildlife in modern market economies. These tools range from the event book system developed in Namibia, to the quota setting methodologies developed in Zimbabwe.

This issue will be an important resource for facilitators in other regions.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. Content can be freely reproduced for non-commercial purposes, provided the source is fully acknowledged. 

Follow the links below to download the whole issue or individual articles in pdf format.

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Theme Section

Practical tools for community conservation in southern Africa
Brian Child and Brian Jones

Community conservation and participatory policy processes in southern Africa 
Brian Jones, David Mulolani and Brian Child

Revenue distribution for empowerment and democratisation
Brian Child

Building capacity for local-level management through participatory technology development
Lilian Goredema, Ivan Bond and Russell Taylor

Marketing hunting and tourism joint ventures in community areas
Brian Child and Chris Weaver

Community-managed tourism small enterprises in Namibia
Andee Davidson with Reuben Mufati and Usiel Ndjavera

Making financial training fun: the CAMPFIRE game
Sam Murinye, Lilian Goredema, and Ivan Bond

Participatory wildlife quota setting
Norman Rigava, Russell Taylor, and Lilian Goredema

The event book system: community-based monitoring in Namibia
Greg Stuart-Hill with Richard Diggle, Bevan Munali, Jo Tagg and David Ward

PGIS and mapping for conservation in Namibia
Jo Tagg and Julie Taylor

Using theatre in participatory environmental policy making
Tamara Guhrs, Liz Rihoy and Miranda Guhrs

Tips for trainers: Participatory quota setting

General section

Inspire: a UK participatory public art evaluation
Christopher Hartworth and Joanne Hartworth

Piloting a methodology to investigate poverty dynamics
Tariq Omar Ali, Mehnaz Rabbani and Munshi Sulaiman

Using participatory video to develop youth leadership skills in Colombia
Harriet Menter, Maria Cecilia Roa, Omar Felipe Beccera, Clara Roa and Wilson Celemin

Survey results: PLA 54 Mapping for Change – practice, technologies and communications
Holly Ashley

In Touch
Includes resource reviews, links, events and training.

RCPLA Network news
News from member organisations of the RCPLA Network - Resource Centres for Participatory Learning and Action.